Friday, September 25, 2009

My Summer Mission for 2010

The past few years, I have attended a church camp called Go Tell. Every year it was an amazing experience and every year God moved in so many amazing ways. They had my favorite speaker, Clayton King, preach every year. God never failed at showing me something new every year. This past summer was my last year to attend as a camper, but I want to be a counselor this summer at this camp. Two of the couselors I met last year attend NGU. I've talked to one of them about being a counselor, and it sounds like an awesome opportunity and a way to minister to teens in profound ways. All of the counselors at the end of camp get to take a mission trip to one of 2 locations. I think not only will it be an awesome way to minister to teenagers, but it will change me in numerous ways and allow me to be humble and greatful for what I have! This is my mission for the upcoming summer!! Pray for me.

My Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home. My family attended church pretty much every Sunday and Wednesday, and we were also involved in other activities the church had. When I was about 7 my parents told me Christ died on the cross for me, and told me how I could be saved. I went through the motions like a lot of young kids do and thought I was saved as a child. However, continuing to grow up, I kind of assumed I would just always be saved. I would read my Bible occasionally and pray, but I started to fall away from God. When my dad passed away with cancer, my eyes began to open. He left me his Bible in his will. His wish for our family was to remain srong in Christ even though he would no longer be with us. That hit me hard cause I didn't want to let my dad down. My freshman year in high school, one of my best friends invited me to her church because she would be sharing her testimony. I went, and it hit me hard once again. I went home that night, but I couldn't go to sleep. My friend's testimony related so much to my life and how I'd been living. I felt this burden on my heart, and its like no matter how hard I tried God wouldn't let me go to sleep. I lay there thinking that if I were to die, I honestly didn't know where I would spend eternity. I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up in my bed and called mom into my room and told her how I felt. She told me I would need to go on Sunday and talk to our youth pastor. It was only Wednesday and I was scared to death that I wasn't going to make it to Sunday. Sunday rolled around and after church I went to talk to our youth pastor. He prayed the sinner's prayer with me, and I instantly felt that burden lifted. I no longer was had doubt of where I would spend eternity. I'm not perfect, and I still make mistakes, but I know I'm a child of God and that will never change!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why I Chose NGU

About two years ago, I didn't know that North Greenville University existed. One of my good friends from my my church back at home graduated last year and was coming here. I began to hear some stuff about it by her talking about it. My senior year in high school, I decided I would take a trip up here and visit it because in a strange way I almost felt like God was leading me here. My family came up on one of the Encounter days last year, and I instantly fell in love. I loved that it was in the foothills of the mountains. I loved the Christian atmosphere. I liked that it was a smaller college. I knew that this is where I belonged. Mom, however, wasn't quite sure if I could go here due to the cost of the college, but she told me that if I could get enough scholarships that she would allow me to come here. Luckily, many things fell into place, and I got to come here. I don't regret anything at all! I love it here and I know that God has a major plan for me!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Never Give Up

When I was in the sixth grade, most of my friends tryed out for a cheerleading squad, and I didn't want to be left out, so I tried out as well. Tryouts lasted a week, and at the end of the week I would know whether or not I made it. When the week was over, my best friend at the time and I went to go look at the postings to see if we had made it. She made it; I didn't. I was really upset. The next year came around for tryouts for the middle school cheerleading squad, and I decided I was going to give it another shot. One of my friends that lived down the street told me she would help me if I needed it. I took advantage of her help, and she was over at my house for hours to make sure I got the dance and cheers perfect. It took a lot of effort and time, but at the end of the week I tried out, and, to my surprise, I made it. With time and effort put towards something, anything is possible. I cheered those 2 years in middle school, and 4 years in high school! For once, I felt like I was actually good at something. I decided I wouldn't cheer in college, so I could focus on school and get a job. However, I kind of regret that decision now because I love cheering. I'm strongly considering cheering next year, but God will lead me in the direction I need to go.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Sister I Never Had

My best friends name is Brianna Meeler! We met 4 years ago at the end of our freshman year in high school! At that time, neither of us liked each other. She didn't like me cause she thought I was stuck up, and I didn't like her cause I thought she was stuck up. Little did we know, we became best friends after playing softball together for our church. At that point in my life, one of my best friends at that time, ad stabbed me in the back, and we were no longer friends. I was extemely upset and felt like I didn't really have anyone that I was close to. I prayed to God and asked him to send me a best friend cause I really needed someone. I decided I would invite Brianna over one night after a softball game to spend the night. She came and ever since then, we've pretty much been inseparable! Honestly, I wish she was in my life a lot sooner than just four years ago. We tell each other everything. She is an amazing Christian girl who loves God with all her heart, and I know she can give me wonderful advice anytime I need it. We decided we would be each others accountability partners so that if one of us goes in a wrong direction we are there to pull each other back to the straight path. We have so many inside jokes and so many memories together it is ridiculous! The hardest part was leaving her to come to college. For the first time in four years we wouldn't see each other everyday of our lives and that was hard to imagine. If Brianna's not with me or I'm not with her, most people's reaction is, "Where is your other half?" She's like the sister I never had. Our favorite quote is, "I promise that we will stay best friends forever, and when we are old, we will be tearing up the nursing home in our hot pink wheel chairs." She will always be my best friend, even if I live hundreds of miles away for the rest of my life. I love her to death!


I love to travel to new places. I have been on many different and intersting vacations from Lancaster, Pensylvania to the Bahamas. However, my favorite vacation spot is Destin, Florida. Destin is located on Florida's pan-handle. I went about two years ago with my family, and when we arrived and saw that coast for the first time, we were all amazed! It was the whitest sand and the bluest water I have ever seen in my life. It looked like a picture of paradise right out of a magazine. We stayed in a condo within walking distance of the beach, and went to the beach every day we were there. There is also a lot of attractions in Destin, including, my favorite, shopping! Destin is definately the ultimate vacation spot!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Current Life Lessons From God

Currently in my life right now, God is teaching me to have patience and to wait on Him. A lot of times I try to take matters into my own hands because I am impatient, and this leads me no where. I've found recently that taking matters into my own hands has caused me heartache and grief. I've had enough of feeling down. I know that no matter what, God will answer my prayers. I have a specific heartache right now that I have been dealing with for the past few months. Slowly I am getting over it, but through it all God has shown me that if I just wait on Him, He will bless me in a countless number of ways.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Biggest Fear

My dad and I in front of the Hard Rock Cafe

My past contributes to my biggest fear! My biggest fear is cancer! Cancer runs through both sides of my family, so everytime something minor hurts on me its always in the back of my mind! When I was about 8, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. He underwent surgeries and therapy and fortunately was able to be in remission for awhile. However, about a year later my aunt (my dad's sister) was diagnosed with cancer, and a few months later my dad's cancer had come back. Never in my life did I imagine something could bring someone as strong as my dad down. Both my dad and my aunt went through so many treatments, chemotherapy, surgeries, etc. Being so young, it never occured to me that my dad could die. I always shoved that to the back of my mind, except for one day when my mom and I were riding in the car. She brought up the fact that dad was getting progressively worse and that he could die. I openly denied that. A few months later, my aunt passed away. It hit me really hard in her funeral because I was sitting next to my dad, who was still battling cancer, and there he was sitting at his sister's funeral. I held his hand tight and I could tell that it really bothered him. Three months later my dad took a turn for the worst and passed away on August 8, 2003 in the morning. It devastated me more than anyone knew. A few months later my aunt (my mom's sister) was diagnosed with cancer, and around the same time my grandpa (my mom's dad) was diagnosed with cancer as well. It seemed like it would never end. Fortunately, my aunt is still alive today, but my grandpa went to be with the Lord. Through all the trials, our family somehow managed to get by. It's not easy though. I fear one day I'm going to get cancer, or someone else in my family will. It honestly terrifies me, but I know that God will be by my side the whole way! I miss my dad so much!