Monday, May 2, 2011

A Sweet Memory

Last weekend, my dad's side of the family had an Easter get-together at the lake. It was the first time that I had seen some of my relatives in a while. Just like all our family gatherings, we had so much food and dessert! We played games, acted crazy, and went on a hike (got lost and had to hitch hike back).
The most memorable moment was when my grandma prayed to bless the food. My grandma has Alzheimer's. She can on occasion recognize faces, but she has trouble even putting a sentence together now. However, they asked her to pray to bless our food and she agreed to say it. To my surprise, she was talking to God, making almost complete sentences that made sense. It really touched my heart. I realized that no matter the condition we are in we can still go to God to talk to Him and it all makes sense to Him. He knows exactly what is on our hearts. It was amazing and God blessed my heart that day!