Saturday, November 17, 2012


Where does worrying really get us?  God has really shown me recently that worrying gets me nowhere.  I worry about people I care for, if I will get a job when I graduate college in May, where I'm going to live, how certain situations will play out in my life, for what my future holds in general, etc.  Regardless of the situation, God says over and over again in the Bible not to worry but to trust only in Him.  Driving down the road the other day, I caught a short piece of a message on the radio.  I was reminded that God is our Daily Bread.  We do not have to worry about the next day because God will provide what we need for each day and each day alone.  He is the Great Provider.  Then, in the book that I'm reading, it said, "Our ability to trust God is completely dependent on our view of who God is." It also said, "A God-box is created when we have an overinflated view of who we are and and underinflated view of who God is."  Wow!!  To me this says, maybe I'm spending too much time doing things for myself and thinking about myself and not spending enough time with God to completely know Him and the amazing things He is able to do because then I wouldn't worry.  God has made this so evident.  He has also made it so evident that prayer is the answer, to pray for the day that God has given us today.  When I talk to my Father and tell Him my worries and concerns of the day, He takes them from me and bares them for me.  Knowing that it is in His hands also brings peace and comfort.  I'm learning to trust completely in Him and not try to figure things out on my own.  I'm able to rest and have peace knowing God's going to take care of it all and will work it out for His glory!  

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Talk to Your Father

  God has restored the joy in my life that I lost for a little while!  One thing that has been made clear to me is to lean on Him daily.  Leaning on Him daily means being in constant communication with Him.  Having a prayer life is so crucial!  Its more than just blessing each meal and thanking Him for things at the end of the day, but its about wanting to know God intimately and desperately and seeking His willl for your life.  It's a joy to get up in the morning (and everyone knows I'm not a morning person) or go to bed at night and just talk to my Daddy.  It has brought a peace in my life that I'm so grateful for!  Not only is constant communication about prayer life, but its about being in God's Word.  It's amazing the things God will show and reveal to you if you give Him the chance!  Just thought I'd share this because it's on my heart!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bring It On

"Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance."
                                                             -Psalm 16:5-6

This verse has been on my heart recently.  I have found comfort through it!  I would say that my life has completely been turned upside down this week.  God can and does come out of no where when your least expecting it to turn you in the complete opposite direction.  The message I listened to at Millbrook Baptist yesterday was a new series on prayer.  The pastor said, "There are 4 types of answers to prayers: yes; yes, but not right now; no; or I have something better in store for you."  Sitting through that message yesterday, I realized God had answered one of my prayers, but not in the way I was expecting.  Our prayers and cries of our hearts are never forgotten by God.  God has proved to me over and over again the past few days that through Him, I have a delightful inheritance, that my future IS bright if I rely on Him daily, that I don't have to let the fears of my past hold me in bondage.  I can't say I'm not scared, but I am ready! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let Hope Rise and Darkness Tremble!

Where do I even begin? I was able to be apart of Passion 2012. No words can describe Passion except that it was all God! The glory of God shone brightly in Atlanta, GA this week! Over 44,000 people gathered in the Georgia Dome to worship and praise the name of God for four days. I'm so grateful for this experience! Our generation is taking a stand for the name of God and making His name known around the world! There is nothing in the world like seeing 44,000 people raising their hands and worshiping God together in one place. I guess its just a glimpse of what eternity is going to be like.
Every day we had amazing speakers and worship leaders including Beth Moore, Louie Giglio, John Piper, Francis Chan, Christine Caine, Hillsong United, Lecrae, Matt Redmon, David Crowder Band, Charlie Hall, and Chris Tomlin. Beth Moore spoke to my heart when she was saying the God can't be used up. He is there for us to come to Him about any situation, and even when we try to hide from him about our most private issues, we can't go unnoticed by Him. He wants us to reach out for Him daily! Throughout the week, God used the speakers and worship leaders to bring these wonderful messages to us! They got me fired back up and feeling like I could conquer the world! The worship leaders introduced the new "Passion songs" throughout the week, all of which were so powerful. I'm ready for the Passion 2012 CD to be out!
The theme for the week was Freedom. There are over 27 million slaves around the world today, which seems crazy since we don't really think about slavery still existing today. Human trafficking and sex trafficking (like in the movie Taken) are two huge issues they raised awareness for. Louie Giglio set up a goal for us to raise a million dollars to go to the different organizations around the globe that fight different types of slavery. Let me just say, GOD IS SO GOOD! By the second night there, we had almost raised a million dollars, and there was still 2 nights and a day to go. By the last day, we had given about two and a half million dollars, but another couple had felt led to give a huge chunk of money so our total ended up being $3,066,670! God knew the needs of the organizations! Sex trafficking has just really been on my heart ever since passion. It's disturbing knowing that it happens to normal girls like me! I plan on reading some books about it, and just praying for the organizations around the world. It breaks my heart!
Here are some pictures and videos from Passion.

It's insane worshiping with this many people!

To remember the slaves around the world, and to take action!

Excited that I was able to be apart of giving to Freedom!