Friday, September 25, 2009

My Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home. My family attended church pretty much every Sunday and Wednesday, and we were also involved in other activities the church had. When I was about 7 my parents told me Christ died on the cross for me, and told me how I could be saved. I went through the motions like a lot of young kids do and thought I was saved as a child. However, continuing to grow up, I kind of assumed I would just always be saved. I would read my Bible occasionally and pray, but I started to fall away from God. When my dad passed away with cancer, my eyes began to open. He left me his Bible in his will. His wish for our family was to remain srong in Christ even though he would no longer be with us. That hit me hard cause I didn't want to let my dad down. My freshman year in high school, one of my best friends invited me to her church because she would be sharing her testimony. I went, and it hit me hard once again. I went home that night, but I couldn't go to sleep. My friend's testimony related so much to my life and how I'd been living. I felt this burden on my heart, and its like no matter how hard I tried God wouldn't let me go to sleep. I lay there thinking that if I were to die, I honestly didn't know where I would spend eternity. I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up in my bed and called mom into my room and told her how I felt. She told me I would need to go on Sunday and talk to our youth pastor. It was only Wednesday and I was scared to death that I wasn't going to make it to Sunday. Sunday rolled around and after church I went to talk to our youth pastor. He prayed the sinner's prayer with me, and I instantly felt that burden lifted. I no longer was had doubt of where I would spend eternity. I'm not perfect, and I still make mistakes, but I know I'm a child of God and that will never change!

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