Friday, October 30, 2009

Open Dorms

It's open dorm night, and I'm definately glad that our dorm is not coed! It is kind of frustrating because people are loud, and I know that if I were to be doing my homework, I wouldn't be able to focus! People have been screaming and acting crazy! I also don't like that anyone and everyone is able to come in. I like to have privacy and be able to have peace when I'm in my dorm. It feels like guys are invading my personal space! However, it would be nice if NGU allowed visiting hours for guys to come in girls dorms, just because it is easier if we wanted to watch a movie. Sometimes it's easier to just hang out in dorm rather than having to drive and waste money to hang out somewhere else! Overall, though, I'm glad dorms at NGU are not coed!

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